
FUE versus FUT Hair Transplant Surgery

Aug 30, 2021

Hair Restoration Procedures

FUE versus FUT Hair Transplant Surgery FUE versus FUT Hair Transplant Surgery

Learn Which Hair Restoration Option is Best, From A Leading San Jose Hair Transplant Doctor.

For many people, a full head of hair represents youth and attractiveness. Those experiencing hair loss seek the most effective San Jose men's hair loss treatment and technologically advanced restorative procedures to help them regain what they have lost. Two of the most popular men's hair loss options are Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). These corrective surgical options have many aspects in common, including outpatient procedures and use of local anesthesia. However, FUE and FUT also present differences that patients should be aware before choosing a procedure. These contrasts include:
  • Harvesting processes. While FUE is less invasive than FUT, it is not a "non-invasive" procedure. In FUE hair restoration, the practitioner creates a series of - œmicro-punches -  in the patient's donor area, effectively harvesting individual follicles. The follicles are then transplanted into the affected area.
In FUT, a strip of hair graft will be removed from the donor area. The hair graft will be dissected into individual hair follicles, then transferred to the recipient site.
  • Level of comfort. Although neither procedure presents significant discomfort for most patients, FUE is less invasive than FUT, which may impose - œmild to moderate -  pain.
  • Scarring in donor area. Due to the small harvest areas in FUE, it rarely looks as if surgery took place. However, FUT leaves behind narrow, linear scars that may become visible when patients shave their heads. However, considering the goal of hair transplant surgery, this rarely occurs.

Contact the Leading San Jose Bay FUE Doctor Today

Are you ready to take the next step towards restoring a full head of hair? When it comes to corrective hair surgery, Bay Area's Medical Hair Transplant & Aesthetics provides the most advanced and effective hair restoration methods. Contact us today at (415) 230-2367 (San Francisco office) or (408) 356-8600 (San Jose office) to set up a consultation with the Bay Area's best hair transplant doctor to learn which hair restoration technique is right for you.  
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