
How to Deal with Postpartum Hair Loss

Aug 17, 2018

Women's Hair Loss

How to Deal with Postpartum Hair Loss How to Deal with Postpartum Hair Loss

How to Ease the Dilemma of Hair Loss in Women after Childbirth

Postpartum hair loss is perfectly-normal and generally is a result of hormone fluctuation after childbirth. If you are experiencing postpartum hair loss, there are things that you can do to make your hair look thicker, while also boosting your own self-confidence. Don't let hair loss get you down during this special time; here's how to deal with postpartum hair loss: Know that it is likely temporary. If you are dealing with hair loss during pregnancy or if you have just given birth, it is likely a temporary condition. It is not uncommon for women to experience postpartum hair loss for six- months to a year after having a baby due to hormones. Keep your hair healthy. A good defense against female hair loss is to keep it healthy, conditioned, styled, and trimmed. You can also try color treatments as some shades will coat and thicken the hair. Take care of yourself. Could your hair loss be a sign of something else? Stress contributes to hair loss in both men and women. Eat a diet rich in protein, get plenty of rest, and try not to get stressed; easier said than done with a new baby in the house? Enlist help and recruit family or friends to give you time to take care of yourself Try a new part. Change your hair style and give it new texture or change the part to take attention away from a receding hairline or thinning hair. Treat yourself to a consult with an area hairdresser and a fresh, new look! Embrace accessories. You may also choose to camouflage and conceal hair loss with cute ornaments, barrettes, and headbands. Add a few festive embellishments to your everyday look; plus, who doesn't want to shop for cute hair accessories? Should your hair loss persist, discuss hair replacement options with a physician. Patients have more choices in hair restoration than ever before. [caption id="attachment_889" align="aligncenter" width="500"]african american hair transplant doctor san jose ©2018 MHTA Clinic[/caption] [caption id="attachment_888" align="aligncenter" width="500"]african american hair transplant bay area ©2018 MHTA Clinic[/caption]

Contact Our San Jose Hair Restoration Doctor Today for Help

Still worried about postpartum hair loss? Put your mind at-ease and talk to for a San Francisco hair transplant doctor; Dr. Diep at MHTA Clinic can further explain your postpartum hair loss, including hairline surgery and hair restoration options. Contact us here via our online contact form or by calling 1 (866) 999-6482
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